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R' Sandy Hofstedter (With Shiva Information) ZT"L

Updated: Dec 5, 2021

Levaya Information

The levaya will take place on Sunday, December 5th

10:30 AM

Clanton Park Shul

Zoom Link:



. TELEPHONE: 1.425.436.6395

Acesscode 6035501948 pin 129129

The levya in Yerushalayim will leave from בית כנסת מרום הרים רחוב שלום סיון 2 רמות06 At 1:30 pm


Mrs. Irene Hofstedter - Wife

R' Aaron Leib (George) Hofstedter - Son

R' Yaakov (Tommy) Hofstedter - Son

R' Dovid Hofstedter - Son

Mrs. Lindy Mandelbaum - Daughter

Shiva In Toronto

Beginning Tuesday, December 7th, with Mincha

43 York Downs Drive

Shachris - 7:30 AM

Mincha/Marriv - 4:30 PM

Mincha on Friday - 2:00 PM

Shiva ends on Sunday Morning

havTehay Nishmas R' Nosson Nota Yitzchak ben R' Zev ZT"L Tzerurah B'Tzror Hachaim

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