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About Us


isaskim alleviates tragedy with compassion, coordinates crisis with expertise, and provides a multi-faceted array of services for the bereaved.

Misaskim's mission is to provide support and assistance to individuals experiencing crisis or tragedy by providing them with vital bereavement services, all-the-while safeguarding the dignity of the deceased. Misaskim's wide array of services for the bereaved include physical and moral support that assist the grief-stricken with their many challenges during crisis or loss

Throughout life's darkest moments, Misaskim is a source of compassion, encouragement, light, warmth and direction.


Essential Shiva Furniture


Aveilim Listings


Sefer Torah & Sefarim Gmach

After the death of an immediate family member, Misaskim provides items needed for observing the customs of shiva, the week of mourning. Misaskim's mourners' services ensure that the week of shiva (mourning) is a little bit more comforting and comfortable by providing aveilim (mourners) with various necessities, including low chairs, siddurim (prayer books), Torah scrolls, folding chairs and other portable furniture, a guide to the customs of shiva, and many other items of need. They deliver these items free of charge, to over 8,000 mourners, annually, using a fleet of 16 vehicles operating out of 9 warehouses.


Prevention of Autopsies/Cremation

Emergency Funeral Equipment

Burials for the Indigent

Misaskim safeguards the dignity of the deceased by advocating for prevention of autopsies and/or cremation, and educating government officials, medical examiners and coroners regarding mandated respect to the Jewish departed. Misaskim assists other Hebrew burial societies, providing sound systems, generator-powered lights for nighttime burials and solving many logistical problems in order to arrange a funeral in a timely manner.

Miskaskim Canada is a registered charity in Canada: 723168118RR0001.

©2021 by Misaskim.

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